Once you have placed your order, we will do everything to prepare your package for shipment as quickly as possible. Here you find information about the speed of delivery by country. However, it is possible that the item you ordered is not in stock at our warehouse. We will then do everything in our power to transfer the item you have ordered to the warehouse and then send it to you. Once your order has been processed by us you will receive a confirmation email with a track & trace code. You can use it to track your order until the moment of delivery.

The shipping costs depend on the weight of tea that is ordered. All orders within Europe above 1 kg are excluded from shipping costs. Below you will find a general overview of the shipping costs based on weight class with the associated zones worldwide. Click here to find an overview of the countries belonging to zone EU1, EU2 and countries outside Europe.

ZoneWeight (50g-150g)Weight(200g-300g)Weight (350g-1450g)Weight (1500g >)
the Netherlands€2.99 €2.99 €5.99Free
EU1€3.99 €8.99 €8.99on request
EU2€8.99 €11.99 €11.99on request
outside EU€10.99 €22.99 €22.99on request